RoKultur organized a traditional masks workshop with the ethnologist and museographer Sebastian Paic-Apan.
One of the customs related to the winter holidays is the carol in which traditional masks are used. The carolers wish the prosperous hosts in the new year and chase away the evil spirits. They disguise themselves as characters resembling evil spirits or more grotesque than these in order to frighten them and keep them away from the house of the caroled one. The carolers make their masks by hand, using textiles, leather and animal fur, wool, beads, grains or buttons.

Sebastian Paic-Apan is an ethnologist, a curator at the Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania and a collector. He is a PhD student at Babeş Bolyai University, with a research of the traditional port in Transylvania, he is a founding member of the Association Dowry along with which it promotes traditional culture and has a collection of over 3000 pieces of port coming from over 65 ethnographic areas in Romania. Sebastian Paic-Apan is preoccupied with traditional costumes and textiles, cultural identity, folk magic, customs and traditions from the life cycle (birth, wedding, death) and from the annual cycle (the Oltenian gag, caroling), literary, choreological and musical folklore, peasant crafts (painting, glass icon, wood art and technique, opincărit, mask making, sewing, weaving and others).

Sebastian Paic-Apan has been known to the Romanian-speaking public in Luxembourg since March 2018 when he held several painting workshops. Easter eggs.